20, 2005 REVIEW: MAY
25, 2005
last. A band that fully
embraces the possibilities
of the Sidstation and
gives it room to blossom
in all its crystal clear
nostalgia. The primary
effort made by Thermostatic
is not one purely based
on the past though, as
their ridiculously catchy
Commodore pop sounds
strangely contemporary.
The recent hype built
around this Swedish quartet
is very much deserved,
as this feels like electropop
for everyone, without
exceptions. I can see
the synthpop nerds (including
yours truly) take this
to their hearts, as well
as fans of mainstream
pop or rock, just because
their sound, while not
entirely new, is so refined.
I used to keep it to myself that
I loved many of the old Commodore
64 game scores back in the day. "Out
Run", "Flimbo's Quest".
Even "Spy Hunter" had
a minimalistic charm, even though
it didn't use the sounds commonly
linked to the classic computer.
Ten or so seconds into "As
Stars We Belong" (the album
opener), when the infectious
melody riff starts, I was instantly
transported back to around 1986,
sitting on my brown bean bag
(why? oh why?), playing "Wonderboy" well
into the evenings 'till my fingers
bled. At the same time I'm still
very much in the now; firmly
cemented in the moment. "Joy-Toy" does
that to you. Hurdles you back
in time, while having you rediscovering
that this is unique in its own
right. Trans-X meets Kraftwerk
meets Erasure meets Rex the Dog.
Kind of.
Ten tracks clocking in at a little
over 36 minutes constantly keeps
you on your toes. But all great
things are short, someone said.
Who was that, by the way? Anyway, "Joy-Toy" is,
quite frankly, simply stunning.
Eagerly playful and masterfully
produced at the same time.
Now, if I can just get the attention
of the beautiful girl behind
the "Vox" moniker of
the band. Maybe I could lure
her with my strong physique and
gleaming white teeth? No? Well,
she is still a great vocalist
and I wish her and Thermostatic
all the best in what I hope is
the start of a love story. Ehh,
between the band and a growing
audience, that is.