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VNV Nation
on top of the world. Ronan Harris (standing), Mark Jackson (still).
Photo by: Dirk Eusterbrock/Raumgleiter
The story of VNV NATION
By: Johan Carlsson
Ronan Harris and Mark Jackson of VNV Nation have captured the hearts of many people in quite a short time. And they are now considered one of the brightest lights of the electronic scene. We have been planning to take a closer look at the band for years. When they visited Stockholm a while ago we finally sat down with Ronan Harris for a long talk. We soon discovered he had more to tell us than we could expect. VNV Nation is not your average band, that's for sure.
Let me
tell you a story
VNV Nation are sometimes considered some kind of newcomers. Then note, their
first release, the a 12" "Body Pulse", was released twelve years
ago, in 1990. And Ronan Harris started making music long before that.
Later 1990, another single named "Strength of Youth" followed, and
the band relocated to Canada for a couple of years. Over there, they managed
to get a supporting slot for Nitzer Ebb on the Canadian "Ebbhead Tour".
After returning to Europe and settling down in London, they released the debut
album "Advance + Follow" in 1995.
second album, "Praise the Fallen", was delivered in 1998, and by that
time, VNV Nation really started to get attention. They also toured together
with Covenant. Their next effort "Empires" 1999 was almost universally
hailed, and so was its companion EP "Burning Empires", where the band
made its own alternate versions of the album tracks.
At the time of my interview, the band was on tour to support their new album
"Futureperfect". I met with Ronan Harris, singer and main songwriter,
in the afternoon of a beautiful day, just before Tinitus, a Swedish festival
VNV Nation was headlining.
by: Dirk Eusterbrock/Raumgleiter
upon a time...
started off by going back in time, discussing Ronan's first memories of electronic
music. Ronan is from Dublin, Ireland, which has influenced him in many ways.
His musical journey began when he heard "Popcorn" by Hot Butter at
the age of four. When he grew up, the Irish radio actually played music by bands
like Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream. "Autobahn" was in the charts,
and he liked the animated video that was made for it.
I loved the sound; it was sounds out of imagination. I loved science fiction,
and these were the sounds I associated with that, so synth music became my main
thing, even though I didn't know what it was. I just identified with the sound,
Ronan recalls
- In the late seventies I was into stuff like early Human League, and then in
1981 Depeche Mode came along and changed everything. I was also into DAF, and
I was a huge Joy Division fan. They have a timeless cold emotional quality that
nobody else has captured since, in songs like "Atmosphere" and "New
Dawn Fades", and even "Transmission". It's just bleakness. They
had that whole northern feel to them, and they broke the mould.
largely unknown Scottish band called Blue Nile, also had a big influence on
Ronan. According to him, they made soulful melancholic pop using a very limited
amount of electronic equipment.
It's pure soul with weird electronic sounds, and the guy almost cries when he
does his vocals. He sings about being very miserable, but in a soulful way.
It really sounds like he's had a shit day. I loved it. It contains almost pure
emotion, and that element has crept into our music.
is a song on the "Genesis" single called "Weltfunk" that
Ronan says is a tribute to the era of electronic music pioneers. Some fans have
said that they are brought back instantly to that time of electronic optimism,
when hearing that song. In those days, some people thought the future would
be fantastic, thanks to all the new technology. Since this has not quite happened
yet according to Ronan, they gave their new album the ironic title "Futureperfect".
by: Dirk Eusterbrock/Raumgleiter
means of production
Harris started making music in different bands around 1981, but did not get
anywhere. He wanted to broaden his horizons, so his move to London in 1987 was
an effort to change things. He also wanted a job to pay for his music equipment.
In the beginning, I called the project Nation and wanted to make a kind of alternative
soundtrack for the movie "1984" but ended up doing EBM versions of
the tracks, with orchestral elements. This is something that shows up on the
first album - and even now.
He moved to Toronto, Canada at the end of 1990.
- That was a big change, and I felt that the name Nation could give the wrong
signals, especially in the EBM scene. So it became VNV Nation. Victory Not Vengeance
is a motto; meaning you should always try to achieve your goals, don't hate
other people for doing things, if you didn't.
this time, second member, Mark Jackson joined in, also as live drummer. They
made a few gigs together before playing their first venue in London in 1996.
Ronan still writes most of the music today, but he does it with Mark in mind.
Mark knows what it should sound like, and gives his opinions on Ronan's material.
He is the person to bounce ideas on, to balance things out. Even if they nowadays
live far apart, with Ronan in Hamburg and Mark currently residing in southern
France, they still have tight contact during the production.
I have a studio in a Hamburg office. The studio is actually very small. For
"Futureperfect" we decided to use just the computer. This entire album
has been done with software synthesizers and computer samplers. We send samples
to each other, and it works that way.
feels that "Futureperfect" it is a more varied experience than the
last album.
We've gone into deeper, emotional stuff. There is a lot of diversity on the
album in terms of emotion. "Empires" was kind of a sing-a-long album
in a way. This album sees a big leap in the song writing and production skills.
The depth and atmosphere on the album has grown massively. Some tracks are ballads,
some tracks are heavy EBM songs, some are dance songs, but it still has that
connecting feeling we always have in our music, and I'm very happy about that.
Photo by:
Alex Veronac (Release)
worlds collide
single "Genesis" shows elements of trance, and some people have expressed
their disliking of VNV Nation's development in that direction. Ronan explains
that there were always meant to be two versions of the track on the released
single, the original version and the "C92" version, which shows a
harder sound.
We like a lot of trance, and we like EBM. So we're just putting those together,
making a very modern sound. I don't see what's wrong with progressing and modernising
EBM a bit, bringing in elements from other styles. There are a lot of purists
who don't like what we're doing. And I don't really like purists, to be honest.
I think music has changed since Vomito Negro and A Split Second from the late
eighties. If we all just sounded like that, it would be a boring world. We're
into making music and the whole point is to be new and different. We like bands
like Underworld, Massive Attack and Leftfield as well, and we like Thomas P
Heckmann. He is considered the hottest DJ in Germany and is doing raw EBM. His
remix of "Genesis" is about 10% as good as his own material. His own
stuff blows me away. He's done a mix of "Join in the Chant" by Nitzer
Ebb. Douglas McCarthy sang vocals on it, because he's so amazed of what he's
done. The EBM scene is still very traditional for many people here, but I'm
sure many would really like what he does.
Two sides
of the same coin
EP "Burning Empires" was a great success, and doing alternate versions
of songs is something that Ronan likes a lot. He is considering doing a similar
thing with the new album.
There's a lot of scope for remixes, and we came up with alternate melodies.
When you write a song, you come up with different melodies and some of them
fit, some of them don't. We end up with main sequences, but we have other ones
as well. We have variations, which gives the track more strength and power,
like "Kingdom" on "Burning Empires". I'd like to do that
- We're going to release a new single called "Beloved" and after that,
we may put out a third one, depending on how well that one goes. We have to
move upward.
and glory
all the attention VNV Nation gets at the moment, the members are slowly becoming
celebrities. Ronan has mixed feelings about being famous and successful. He
excitedly tells a worrying story.
I remember doing an interview with an American reporter, who had so much personal
information about me, which I was really unhappy about. He proposed that everything
I did in music, and everything I said, was a direct result of certain events
in my life. It's scary when someone you don't know knows that much about you.
- I do enjoy it though, there's a great pleasure in making music, and getting
on stage. When you enjoy what you do, that's the main thing. It's like being
accepted every day. A kind of self-affirmation, if you will. Not an ego-trip
though, because we're not like that. After "Empires", we can do what
we want. We have many talks about in which direction we want to take the music,
what kind of sound, which influences, what sort of band we should be. We just
make music that we like.
is worried about being pushed down the commercial lane. He thinks that a lot
of fans will leave if they get too big. He considers VNV Nation a people's band,
and stresses that he is not in it just to sell records or make money.
It's a question of how you want to be seen. I don't want to be in a major label
band. We get offers from major labels all the time, and we've been offered huge
amounts of money, ridiculous amounts of money, but we can succeed without all
that, we've progressed in our own way. We like to stay on our level, and keep
our die-hard fan group. It's an important thing for me. I'm happy with where
it is now, because this is where it's meaningful. If I sold a million copies,
I would have lost the meaning.
by: Dirk Eusterbrock/Raumgleiter
de force
the time of the interview, the band was out on the European leg of their tour,
and has come directly from Copenhagen. During the set, they play both hits from
the previous three albums as well as new songs from the coming album. The tour
has been immensely successful so far.
Unbelievable. I never expected that it would happen like this. You know, playing,
and all these people coming to see you. That's quite a feeling. Mark and I are
very humble in a lot of ways, and get very embarrassed when we get flattered.
I feel embarrassed sometimes, but also honoured.
The first town VNV Nation played on the tour was Bremen.
- It was a very reserved crowd. They're not very into going to gigs, and we
thought we would get about 200-300 people. So when a bit over 850 people showed
up, we were very surprised. The gig was awesome; everyone was into having a
fun time. The next day we played in Magdeburg, over 900 people showed up, and
we thought, what's going on? We love it when the crowd just gets going, and
is really into having fun, and everybody has this good feeling of togetherness
and sings along. We like our live show, and we have worked very hard on it.
has nothing but praise to give the Scandinavian scene. He says that in Germany,
there are professionals that just book bands because they are on tour for the
moment, but in Scandinavia, most people book bands out of love for the music.
They bring the band, and they are the ones who are taking the risk. I really
respect people that do that. I like the Scandinavian crowds too, they're cool.
We have people from Iceland coming to our shows, which just amazes me. The whole
scene here is totally different from Germany, totally different from anywhere
else, and I guess Sweden is the centre of it.
The "Stairway
to Heaven" of synth music
recalls the music scene in Toronto during the nineties, and compares it to that
of today. I thought people here in Sweden were nostalgic, but according to him,
it was even worse in Canada.
They were only interested in the golden oldies, and I got tired of that. You
know, there were Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly over and over again. And
"Headhunter"! That song is the "Stairway to Heaven" of synth
music. The scene has changed now though. It's less restricted.
It's a bit like that in America as well, and we got a lot of die-hard fans there,
but also those who listen to a band just because everyone else does, and I really
get tired of that.
the European part of the tour, VNV Nation will continue to the States. However,
Ronan is not worried, in spite of the current situation there.
We won't cancel like many other bands have. We're only taking one international
flight, with guards on it, so there won't be a big risk. The thing is, the mood
in America is very very low, and we feel like we could actually do something.
We get much e-mail from people saying that our songs meant something to them.
I think this tour will let people have a chance to celebrate. They are looking
for something to get together about, and I feel it would really be a shame if
we couldn't do that. We are playing in New York on Thanksgiving, which is going
to be a very important holiday this year in America, so we'll see if anyone
shows up. I'm told the venue is sold out though.
The future
of pop
was the one to coin the expression "future pop". He once mentioned
it to Stephan Groth of Apoptygma Berzerk, and the term has been widely spread
since then. This newly founded genre seems destined to get wider attention,
with its catchy melodies on top of hard dance rhythms. There are even compilations
labelled as future pop, which do not have that much in common with the original
meaning, says Ronan. He elaborates:
The "original" three future pop bands: us, Apoptygma Berzerk and Covenant
have come very close to mainstream recognition. I suggested the term because
I thought we needed to call this music something else than EBM. The media don't
care one bit about you if you are from the EBM or goth genre. There's a lot
of prejudice about our music. Anyway, we bring a lot of contemporary elements
into our music, and do not sound like the stereotypical clichéd EBM band.
It's pop, but in a futuristic way, hence future pop. But as with every term,
there's always people who'll jump all over it.
interview is close to its end, but we continue to chat about different topics
like S.P.O.C.K and humour in music, moving on through why Danish people talk
like they have porridge in their mouth, all the way to Irish vocabulary. All
in all, it was a very nice meeting with one genuinely nice guy, who later that
evening walks out in front of over a thousand tired fans and sets them on fire
during one of the best concerts I've seen, with both Ronan and Mark getting
really into it, and interacting with the audience. The next single "Beloved"
was played last, and is a very soulful and emotional number, building up to
a torrent with driving rhythms. Thus, VNV Nation does what they do better than
In spite of the recent success, Ronan confessed he was a bit worried about being
the last to play at an occasion like this. Would people still have energy after
partying for seven hours? He did not need to worry as they got the best response
of the whole night.