News from Daily Planet – watch video
Oct 2016 21

This week, Swedish synthpop duo Daily Planet released the new single and video “Set Me Free”. Watch the video below. [more...]

Oct 2016 19

Rome is returning to the Nordic countries in December for a 5-date tour with a full line-up. Evi Vine is the support act. [more...]

IAMX: Mini album, tour and video – watch it below
Oct 2016 19

Watch the new mashup video for “The Void” below, taken from the IAMX mini album “Everything Is Burning (Metanoia Addendum)”.  [more...]

Oct 2016 14

Vince Clarke recently started his own label VeryRecords. The first release was his own collaboration “2Square” with Paul Hartnoll from Orbital, and now the second release is out.


“Spirit” by Depeche Mode to be released in the spring, tour starts in Stockholm
Oct 2016 11

The new Depeche Mode album is called “Spirit” and will released in the spring. The “Global Spirit Tour” starts in Stockholm on May 5.  [more...]

Oct 2016 08

Kevin Haskins has endured the legacy of the late 70:s band Bauhaus as its drummer and now archivist and autobiographer. Bauhaus is a quartet that needs no introduction and Haskins pursued collecting and curating a self-published “Bauhaus Undead” book. [more...]

Deluxe re-release of Deutsche Bank’s Kraftwerk-esque “Autopop” imminent
Oct 2016 07

Many readers didn’t even the original release of Deutsche Bank’s high quality, Kraftwerk-esque album “Autopop” back in 2013. On November 10 we’re served a German deluxe re-release, remastered and with remixes of each track on top of the original track list. [more...]

Happy birthday, Ralph Lundsten – watch his and Julian Brandt’s new video
Oct 2016 06

Swedish electronic pop and new wave musician Julian Brandt synched the release of his and Ralph Lundsten’s new single “Andromeda” with the electronic music pioneer’s 80th birthday today. [more...]

Sep 2016 30

Today Jean Michel Jarre announced a new album: “Oxygene 3″. The December 2 release marks the 40th anniversary of the first “Oxygene” album, an electronic music milestone. [more...]

Sep 2016 29

According to this Ticketmaster page, Depeche Mode is holding a special event in Milan on October 11 for media, invited guests and fans. Those not attending will be able to follow the event on [more...]

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