May 2016 17

After being absent for 4 years, Gary Zon’s industrial music project Dismantled returns with a new EP and album. [more...]

First taste of the new Mesh studio album, classical live album delayed
May 2016 16

As we reported in February, UK electropop band Mesh has been diligently working on the follow-up to the successful “Automation Baby” album. Olaf Wollschläger is involved as producer this time too, and we’re getting the first taste very soon.


Chvrches contributes track to video game soundtrack
May 2016 16

The long awaited follow-up to DICE’s video game “Mirrors Edge” is dropping soon, this time called “Mirror’s Edge Catalyst”. Scottish synthpoppers Chvrches have made a song for the soundtrack, and you can have a listen after the jump.


New single with rising EBM star Rein in one week
May 2016 13

The new digital single “I Don’t Get Anything But Shit from You” from rising EBM star Rein will see the light of day in one week, May 20. [more...]

May 2016 12

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The new Radiohead album available digitally ahead of physical release
May 2016 10

“A Moon Shaped Pool” is the title of Radiohead’s new album, available digitally now. The album was preceded by another new track “Daydreaming”, just days after the first single “Burn the Witch” was released. [more...]

Spark! 3.0 – new album imminent
May 2016 07

The fourth album from the new incarnation of bodypop duo Spark!, “Maskiner”, will see the light of day on May 27 via Progress Productions. [more...]

May 2016 07

In an interesting, relaxed Voltage Control Lab video interview Nitzer Ebb’s Bon Harris talks about getting his first synth, the early days of Nitzer Ebb – the pre-NEP days even – and lots of other stuff. Check it out. [more...]

Watch the new Radiohead video “Burn the Witch” here
May 2016 04

The highly anticipated new video from Radiohead is finally available. “Burn the Witch” is believed to soon be followed by the follow-up album to “King of Limbs”, released in 2011. [more...]

May 2016 02

The popular annual one-day fest for EBM, synthpop and industrial music, E-Tropolis, has announced its future plans, including the first 7 2017 live acts. [more...]

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