Dec 2014 23

With the new review of Iamamiwhoami’s “Blue”, we have published 200 reviews in our 2,5 year old WordPress system. We also have 1675 reviews of albums, singles, compilation albums, DVD:s, books etc in our old system, which can still be accessed. So, 1875 in total on the web – and a couple of 100 in the printed Release Magazines from the 80:s and 90:s.

Electronic Summer: first 3 live acts booked – 2 concerts with VNV Nation
Dec 2014 21

Electronic Summer (Gothenburg, August 27-30, 2015) revealed the first 3 live acts at last night’s Electronic Winter festival: VNV Nation, Psyche and Me the Tiger. VNV Nation will play 2 nights, with different set lists – one alternative and one with hits.


Electronic Winter is upon us
Dec 2014 19

Now (December 20) it’s time for the annual Gothenburg festival Electronic Winter (where Release is a media partner). Combichrist (Norway/USA), William Control (USA, pic), Twice a Man (Sweden), Digidroid (Sweden, Thermostatic side project) and Telemark (Sweden, Aesthetic Perfection side project with Elliot Berlin) are the main acts at the Brewhouse venue. [more...]

Nivek Ogre and Bill Leeb performed “Assimilate” together
Dec 2014 18

Nivek Ogre (Skinny Puppy) and Bill Leeb (Front Line Assembly) performed “Assimilate” together in Vancouver last night, as the encore. Leeb was a member of Vancouver band Skinny Puppy when “Assimilate” was recorded. [more...]

Out of Line distances itself from new Funker Vogt vocalist
Dec 2014 18

German EBM band Funker Vogt’s label Out of Line writes they have no interest in a collaboration with the new Funker Vogt vocalist, Sacha Korn aka Sick Man. And the 3 Funker Vogt members have just published one statement each, following an intial statement including the words “no politics just music”. [more...]

Industrial metal and electronica band Celldweller continues ambitious album project
Dec 2014 10

The last Celldweller album was “Wish upon a Blackstar” which was released in EP installments, until the album was complete. Now Klayton aka Celldweller is continuing his sci-fi story with “End of an Empire” which is revealed in chapters. [more...]

New band with members from Front Line Assembly, Ohm and Stiff Valentine
Dec 2014 10

Last year we got an album from Ohm, Chris Peterson’s new project with Craig Huxtable after leaving Front Line Assembly. Now he’s unveiling yet another new band that goes by the name Living Room Project. And it doesn’t sound like you would expect. [more...]

Dec 2014 09

The Prodigy’s new album is complete and will be released in early 2015. The Prodigy will tour Australia and play Rock am Ring, Rock im Park and The Isle of Wight Festival 2015.

Watch the debut video from electropop duo Silent Wave
Dec 2014 05

The debut video from electropop duo Silent Wave is here (watch it below). The single “Dream on Dream on” was released by Telegram a few days ago. Paul Kendall (Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb, Wire, Erasure, Recoil) did the mix and additional sound design and Mike Marsh (Depeche Mode, Robyn & Röyksopp, Basement Jaxx) the master. [more...]

Dec 2014 04

The Mirror has analysed various song lyrics with best selling bands from the UK. They came to the conclusion that Depeche Mode have the most sophisticated lyrics, with Pet Shop Boys not far behind. [more...]

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