Jan 2014 24

The fourth Best of 2013 list comes from Peter Marchione (Release, Thermostatic, Helm, Light Parade, MusikerMagasinet, Eskilstuna-Kuriren). [more...]

Watch the new video “Fountain” from Iamamiwhoami
Jan 2014 24

Watch the new video from Swedish audiovisual electronic project Iamamiwhoami (Jonna Lee and producer Claes Björklund). “Fountain” was recorded in Iceland. [more...]

Jan 2014 23

Einstürzende Neubaten are currently recording an “exceptional new composition”. 

On November 8, the world premiere will take place in Diksmuide in Belgium. [more...]

Jan 2014 23

Niklas Forsberg has published his 2013 list with his favourite albums, songs, live artists, newcomers and artists.

Click here to see Niklas’ list

Melt Festival in giant machine park
Jan 2014 22

The Melt Festival 2014 program is taking shape and Röyksopp & Robyn, Portishead, Gesaffelstein (DJ), Moderat, Tiga, Modeselektor, Ellen Allien and Chromeo are among first on the list.


Gabi Delgado solo single in 10 days, album to follow in February
Jan 2014 21

Gabi Delgado (DAF frontman) delivers the solo single “Nebelmaschine/Lippenstift” with remixes by In Strict Confidence and Eisbrecher in just 10 days, on January 31. The solo album “1″ is then scheduled for February 28.


Ministry’s Al Jourgensen to rehab
Jan 2014 20

In a recent Facebook post, Ministry’s Al Jourgensen wrote that he is going to rehab on February 3 for his alcohol issues.

Icebreaker tour with the music of Kraftwerk
Jan 2014 17

Icebreaker, a 12 piece contemporary music group, will perform a reworking of Kraftwerk’s music called “Kraftwerk Uncovered – A Future Past” on a tour of the UK and Ireland in January, February and May. [more...]

Jan 2014 16

The second Release Best of 2013 list comes from our London and electronica writer Mike Whyte.

What was his favourite albums, songs, live artists, newcomers and artists of 2013? [more...]

News from Daily Planet 18 years after album release
Jan 2014 16

Swedish synthpop duo Daily Planet restarted a short while ago and Progress Productions signed them this week. Progress is home to vocalist Jarmo Ollila’s other band, Mr Jones Machine.


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