Mar 2013 06

The organizers behind the festivals Electronic Summer and Winter in Gothenburg – Depeche Mode Party – have decided to bring back Electronic Summer after careful consideration. 8 bands will perform at venue Brewhouse during 2 days: August 30-31. There will also be a opening & pre-party on August 29.

Mar 2013 06
If you want EBM in concentrated form, then the yearly Familientreffen is the place to go. This year’s festival line-up offers an interesting mix, with S.P.O.C.K and Absolute Body Control as headliners. [more...]
Wave Gotik Treffen booking bands like frenzy
Mar 2013 05

Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig are booking bands like frenzy as we speak. They started announcing live acts in batches on February 20 and have so far released 7 batches. [more...]

Mar 2013 04

Mesh have released another video clip from the production of their new album “Automation Baby”. This time we get to hear the closing ballad “You Couldn’t See This Coming”. Here is the clip. [more...]

New music in 2013
Mar 2013 04

We have a lot to look forward to in 2013. We have compiled a list with some – not all – of the releases coming up that you might be interested in. [more...]

Haujobb celebrates 20th anniversary with new album “Blendwerk”
Feb 2013 26

The never sleeping Daniel Myer and Dejan Samardzic have begun recording a new Haujobb album, to coincide with the bands 20th anniversary in 2013. The album will be called “Blendwerk” and when we get more information we’ll let you know. [more...]

Feb 2013 25

Today, Denmark’s Roskilde Festival announced that Kraftwerk will return this summer, 15 years after their last visit. Another Release favourite – Dead Can Dance – was released a while ago.

Nine Inch Nails make plans for world tour
Feb 2013 25

The big news today all over the www was that Nine Inch Nails plan a world tour, starting this summer. It will be followed by a US arena tour which will finally lead up to “lots of other dates worldwide through 2014″. [more...]

Feb 2013 20

Kraftwerk and The Knife will headline the huge Øya festival in Oslo on August 6-10.

Covenant’s “Leaving Babylon” scheduled for September
Feb 2013 19

The Swedish electro legend that is Covenant is soon back with new material. The new album is called “Leaving Babylon” and is set for a September release on Dependent Records.


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