29, 2004 REVIEW: MARCH 10, 2004
was an exaggeratedly lively debate about Joakim Thureby's vocals back
in the nineties. I was one of those who couldn't really understand where
all the complaints came from. Supposedly, Thureby was not able to carry
a tune or pronounce English properly. I think most of the people who were
pissing and moaning back then would actually feel the same way today,
but they are missing the point. Not only does Thureby sing as good as
most synthpop "vocalists", but his characteristic style gives
Children Within their persona. If anything, it fits perfectly with the
dance driven electropop that is "Freedom of Choice".
Children Within, while sometimes poorly produced, have always written
some of the most catchy melody hooks in the synthpop genre and their comeback
is no different. In fact they have never sounded better than on this,
their third proper, album. Updated sounds, updated production, same great
song structures. The track "Where Are You" basically says it
all as it captures the essence of Children Within. Listen and be enlightened.
A dud here, a dud there, but "Freedom of Choice" is a great
comeback from a band that deserves its place among the best on the melancholic
synthpop shelf. "Clay in My Hands", the mentioned "Where
Are You" and "Spotlight" (wasn't this supposed to be a
single, by the way?) only make out the tip of the "Freedom of Choice"
iceberg. As it melts, so will you.