AUGUST 18, 2003 REVIEW: AUGUST 8, 2003
Human League, think a less polished Ladytron and then - think again. The
two ladies of Client are totally in a league of their own. Maybe a bit
sleazy, maybe a bit cheap, but still definitely one of the records on
"best of"-list when I sum up the year.
The seductive electro punkish synthpop of Sarah and Kate clings to the
synapses of my brain like an electric current sending chills down my spine
and makes my legs want to dance. If you liked "Price of Love"
and - like me - adored the masterpiece "Rock and Roll Machine",
you’ll enjoy the rest of Client’s Toast Hawaii full length
debut. Hell - the northern accent of Sarah is worth half the buy. "Happy"
is one gem, "Diary of an 18 Year Old Boy" and "Here and
Now" two others.
The main drawback is that the album feels a little short. Maybe because
we already have heard three of the songs - on the "Price of Love"
single. Maybe because two songs out of eleven are instrumental pieces
and more like bridges between the other tunes, not songs in their own
right. And to be honest, all the songs aren’t great either. Just
But if you program your player and select the six best songs on "Client"
you have one hell of a record, albeit a short one. So
- why don’t do that? You have seen the pictures, now be seduced
by the music.