K7 RELEASE: APRIL 20, 2004
REVIEW: JUNE 21, 2004
geek pop genius Erlend Øye
is a queer choice of DJ for this prestigious
line of mix albums. But then Øye
hardly behaves like a DJ here. At
least "mixing" is too fancy
a term for describing what happens
between the songs. He is rather an
MC unable to keep himself away from
the microphone, singing his favorite
songs over the entirely different
original tracks.
Øye is a consummate entertainer
and thanks to his suave vocals, the
strange approach works surprisingly
well, even if I would prefer hearing
some of the tracks without the constant
distraction. Someone has a large ego
here, but having played his album
a couple of hundred times, I'm quite
willing to let him get away with it.
The tracks include some of Øye's
own material, lots of stuff from the
German dance scene (Øye is
a Berlin resident) and oddities like
the sex educational "2D2F"
by New York booty punks Avenue D.
On top we get pop classics in acapella
renditions by Mr. Øye.
This would have been a very nice club
night. As an album, it has limited
staying power.