FEBRUARY 4, 2002 REVIEW: MARCH 6, 2002
album from Daft Records implicates it most certainly will pour high class
industrial ear balm out of your loudspeakers. The label is run by Dirk
Ivens of Dive who was also once part of one of the most influential bands
within this genre, namely The Klinik.
Geistform is a Spanish band consisting of Rafael Martinez Espinosa. He
uses samples of MS-20, radio emissions mixed with digital noises as well
as raw dates. The result is intriguing rhythms - harsh, disturbing and
thoughtful. This is fresh, innovative but also probably annoying to the
naive and untrained listener.
It differs from the increasingly popular power noise genre in several
ways, but there are also more apparent similaritiesin the danceable tracks,
like "Xetrov". These tracks are, for a change, the least interesting ones.
More exciting are the slower ones, like the buzzing and crackling "270GEV"
with its noisy, yet calming, soundscape. The hypnotising "Zona Helada"
is also a favourite of mine with its repetitive buzzing. Most of the ten
tracks deserve to be mentioned and most of them differ from each other,
which indeed is an impressive accomplishment with this music.
Buzz, crackle, repeat, rattle, loop, repeat, distort, frequency, repeat,
hum, beep, repeat, transmit, noise...