FEBRUARY 21, 2001 REVIEW: APRIL 4, 2001

Gothminister is a one-man project from Norway. The music is called gothic
EBM, and that probably sums it up pretty well. The man, only known as
"Mr Gothminister", seems to have a bit of a Marilyn Manson complex, by
the looks of it.
The gothic theme seeps through everything, with song
titles like "Gothic Anthem", and "Post Gothica". Gothminister's web site
also recounts the history of goth, and hails the band as revolutionary
innovators of the genre, which mildly put is taking things too far. It
is a bit difficult to know if this is serious or not, after reading stuff
like "the pre-announced goth legend and goth star…"
what about the music? You have heard it before, I assure you, and it's
not what you would normally call goth, but it's not that bad. The songs are
quite melodic, and have hard-hitting beats underneath electronic sounds
and growling vocals. Admittedly, the title track sounds a little like
an electronic Type O Negative, but the rest have more in common with bands
like Leæther Strip and Project Pitchfork. The music is pretty well produced and
would probably work on the dance floor.
