5, 2003 REVIEW: OCTOBER 15, 2003
the biography accompanying the promo of this album, much is made of Los
Fancy-Free main man Martin Thulin’s Mexican origins, and the fact
that he’s spent the last ten years in Mexico City. No doubt, he
environment affects the artistic outcome to some extent, but to claim
that Los Fancy-Free’s attitude should be particularly Mexican is
rather ludicrous. I dare say that this punk-light electropop could just
as well have been made in a damp English coastal town or in the Swedish
inland, to judge by the sound of it.
That said, I sure don’t mind the influences on display here: traces
of Fad Gadget, Soft Cell and The Human League echo through the music -
my favoured end of the electropop spectrum exactly. Sadly, the music sounds
a bit too flat and unimaginative to really hit the right spot. What should
probably be considered worse (since this is pop music we’re talking
about) is that I’ve also got problems with the songs themselves.
The single “Voltage Is OK!” is actually too catchy, so much
bubblegum pop that I’ve had enough after only two listens (but maybe
that’s just my brute taste speaking...), whereas a lot of the rest
of the material fails to stick at all. If I were as prejudiced as the
biography, this would be the place where I’d suggest bringing a
mariachi band in for the next album.