5, 2002 REVIEW: AUGUST 20, 2002
are too few bands like Primal Scream around. Or, to be more specific,
there arent any bands like Primal Scream around. The history
of rocknroll surging through their veins, but eyes still firmly
fixed on the future, theyre just one of a kind. I cant think
of any other band thats so successfully managed to repeatedly reinvent
themselves, and still kept a consistent core.
Xtrmntr was an album that shook my world when it came out
early 2000, and it still does to date. There, Primal Scream fused dirty
garage rock, shrieking jazz, heavy electro and the deepest funk to an
explosive missile aimed straight at the White House.
Theyve mellowed the politics down this time around, but musically
Evil Heat is a logical step forward. This time around they
sound grittier, dirtier, more electronic. Theyve used fewer outside
producers and have recorded much of the material themselves. Maybe thats
why the whole album has a bit of a lo-fi feel thats unusual for
the band.
No matter what, Evil Heat sounds fabulous. Primal Scream manage
to collide DAF, The Stooges, psychedelia, Throbbing Gristle, lethal bass
lines, Captain Beefheart and the sweetest soul into something that still
couldnt be any other band's music. A lot of namedropping, I know,
but how else to describe a band that themselves quote so liberally from
music history? Autobahn 66, for instance, is pretty much a
remake of Neu!s Isi, the opening track on the krautrockers
album Neu! 75. But Primal Scream add some heart-melting harmonies,
and when Bobby Gillespie starts singing praise to life as a dreamer the
track just grows irresistible.
Even better is Detroit, where ex-Jesus and Mary Chain/Freeheat
singer Jim Reid has been invited to sing about the Berlin wall over a
fuzzy electronic bass. And opening track Deep Hit of Morning Sun
is almost frightening with its ragged industrial pulse, layers of backwards
guitar and Gillespie chanting a lyric thats somewhere between euphoric
and suicidal. But the possibly most stunning song is the album closer
Space Blues #2. A simple electronic gospel where keyboard
player Martin Duffy sings a couple of lines about the judgement day, that
reaches a zone of pristine beauty where Primal Scream are all alone.