APRIL 4, 2003 REVIEW: MAY 23, 2003
Israeli duo of Sonja Rozenblum and Idan Karutchi first impressed me in
2000 with their debut record "The Age of Sophya" and now that
they've become a trio (thanks to new member and bassist The Haze) Sophya
have truly created an album of amazing content. Subtle drum programming
on most of the tracks accentuates Sonja's stellar voice and the song writing!
- oh, the song writing capabilities that this band has reached are nothing
short of a crepuscular zenith.
first album had a bit of a disjointed feel to it but with "Dream"
the band have created a shiny gem of undisputed quality. The songs are
confident in their arrangements with powerful intent clearly underlining
tracks like "Captive Beauty" and "Restless Nights".
Much like Poland's God's Bow and Fading Colours, Sophya utilize their
ability to draw the listener into their own world with undeniable success.
You really feel as though you're there when Sonja sings lines like "Here
I stand alone again, hanged on the cross of faults". You can feel
those nails hammered into your own flesh by virtue of her stunning delivery.
Musically, Sophya incorporate all sorts of unusual instrumentation into
their work and they keep the tempo down which is a wisely shrewd move
on their part. Thank the stars they refuse to pigeonhole themselves unlike
a great deal of other bands who happily slit their own throats by indulging
top of all this, the album is good and long, which gives us a chance to
get to know what Sophya is all about and what they intend to make known.
This band has me completely spellbound with this release and I doubt anything
will ever break the chain.