The new single "Starting (Where the Story Ended)" has had some well
deserved air play on Swedish radio and hopefully the upcoming album will push
Vacuum up a notch on the popularity ladder.
- We've grown as a band since our debut. We have new ideas about our sound as
neither Marina nor I like to repeat ourselves. To be honest, we don't really know
what the album will sound like, but we will focus on releasing a couple of really
strong singles, one of which is "Starting", Lindblom says.
As some of you may know, former Army of Lovers
member Alexander Bard was part of Vacuum in
the beginning, but he has now left the band. The creation process of Vacuum songs
is now more spontaneous, according to Mattias.
- Wollbeck and I wrote "Starting" in the car on the way to a Slipknot
concert, he says. We spend time every day writing the music in our studio and
with Vacuum it's usually a speedy process. As Vacuum is about everything we love
in music, we can tell fairly quickly if what we've come up with holds water. When
the music is written, Marina comes in to help write the lyrics and from there
on we work all three on the vocals and occasional live instruments, he concludes.
Vacuum version 2002 may very well conquer the world as their ambition with the
band states. /Niklas Forsberg