VISION place
Spain on the industrial map
Peter Marks
recently interviewed Oscar Storm of Spain's Allied Vision about his new
album, influences and thoughts about countries, styles, industrial music
and labels.
and technology
Allied Vision's new album contains many references to technology and alienation.
This is both a window into Oscar Storm's own world view and a part of
the band's musical approach.
- Allied Vision was born as the project where I could do what I wanted
to do, where all the artistic elements that fascinate me could be expressed.
Those elements are science fiction, futurism, technology, mystery and
mysticism. The thing is: you use them or they use you, no one is completely
independent but with technology and philosophy we can be more independent,
more sophisticated and conscious. In a way, we can evolve in thought,
and knowledge is raised. The music can be the vehicle to wake up, Oscar
releasing three albums, do you have any plans to initiate side projects;
do you have any, which have thus far remained unknown?
- It is really complicated to have side projects as I run everything -
as producer, label manager and owner of my audio store. I’d like
to have more time to write more music. I've worked a lot to improve my
label and this is getting interesting with the great promotion we are
receiving in Germany via a club pool, we are expanding our name as never

The world of industrial music seems to be getting really poppy and
Allied Vision are sticking to a very angry, disquieting sound. Any reasons
for this?
- Yes absolutely! We are not a band attached to fashionable marketing,
but a band with our own musical vision. Not many bands can say it these
days. It is very important to keep our own style and feelings. I see music
as art rather than anything else. We were angry on our previous albums,
but with the new “O.S. Bandwidth”, I wanted to do something
more polished but with energy. I am not angry, just energetic. I regret
that the world of "industrial" is becoming poppy. I remember
industrial was a symbol of innovation but it seems the scene is losing
its identity, unfortunately.
What styles outside of the music you make do you listen to; which
ones really impress you?
- I like movie soundtracks. I love the "Star Wars", "Alien",
John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith soundtracks.
like many other bands that operate below the commercial radar, Allied
Vision have had their share of label entanglements, Zoth Ommog being the
most glaring.
- We have suffered quite much with label entanglements in the past, it
was really depressing to be treated like that. Zoth Ommog had no respect
for the bands. The best advise I can give to bands before signing to a
label is to ask the bands currently working with the label how good or
bad that label is. I suppose there are good labels out there. But not

from Spain, Mexico and Brazil
Some people seem to listen to bands like Allied Vision, Aghast View and
Hocico for the novelty value IE: bands which are in countries that one
does not expect to make this kind of music.
- Countries like Spain, Mexico and Brazil provide this kind of hard edge
to the scene. I don’t know why we find these bands
from such countries, but someone had to shout out from our countries and
we were part of that shout. I hope it never stops. Maybe we are reactions
from the boring scene we find there, in my country Spain the scene is
really undeveloped. I became a part of this scene in 1987.
Leading bands
from traditional countries such as VNV Nation and Covenant are bringing
electronic music closer than ever to the mainstream masses here in the
United States, will Allied Vision ever be on, say, Saturday Night Live?
I can just imagine the mayhem an appearance on the Late Show would cause.
- Well we're preparing a report of our new video clip for a nighttime
TV show in Spain in a Sunday night in a month or so. I think the reaction
will be positive. People want to see different things, so that's why I
think it will be a very good idea. I've never seen an industrial report
in Spain. These things are necessary to keep the pluralism of the music
and open the field of the music which is really needed.