Dixie Dudes calling
– Hi, this is Al Jourgensen,
I'm calling for the interview.
The voice on the other end of the
line is friendly, almost timid and
the reception is perfectly clear.
Al Jourgensen is in Europe for a two-week
promotional tour and is calling from
– Actually, it feels rather
odd speaking about the Ministry album.
It has been ready for so long. Now,
I am working on the new Revolting
Cocks album and have taken two weeks
off from that, he says.
– But I love Europe and it's
nice to get out of the States right
now. It's crazy over there, bordering
on civil war. If George Bush wins
again, I will move to Canada!
What Al Jourgensen speaks about is,
obviously, the controversy surrounding
the current President Bush and the
war in Iraq, something Al Jourgensen
is very conscious about.
– We're not The Dixie Chicks
who say we hate Bush and then apologise.
We're the Dixie Dudes, man, and we
say "Hate Bush! Hate Bush! Hate
Bush! Register! Vote!"
The Dixie Dudes, yes indeed. Ministry
actually recorded their new 2004 album
- "Houses of the Molé"
- right in the middle of Bush Country
- Texas. Not exactly Dixieland, but
right in the heartland of conservative
– Yeah, that's kind of typical
Ministry, very sarcastic and funny,
isn't it? Al Jourgensen gleefully
comments the location of the recording.
a cold world.
of samples
And the Ministry crew sure must have
had a good time recording "Houses
of the Molé". Apart from
being the punkiest Ministry has released
since "The Mind Is a Terrible
Thing to Taste", "Houses
of the Molé" also has
loads of samples - snipped, I bet,
from late night news broadcasts about
the state of the country and from
Bush's speeches on the White House
web page. Hours of fun, guaranteed,
and Al Jourgensen agrees:
– Paul have to excuse me for
saying this, but this was more fun
recording than I have had in a long
time. It was nice to be in a band
again. We did a lot more jamming on
this record than on the ones before.
Paul is more into computers and programming
than I am, and I wanted to make a
punkier record. And yeah, I think
this one has the most samples that
we have used since "The Mind...".

the roads.
there are no hard feelings between
the long time partners. No, siree.
Al Jourgensen and Paul Barker parted
company as friends late last year,
and the split was for the best.
– Paul wanted to be at home
and spend more time with his kids
- they are nine and ten years old.
My daughter is 19 now, so I don't
have to think about that. This is
actually the first time in her life
that she thinks I am cool! says Al
- As for Paul and me, it is the same
thing as to when you are in a marriage
for twenty years and come to a point
when you have run out of new sexual
positions. It was no fun any more.
for civil war
Al Jourgensen laughs. He really is
back - with a vengeance. Not only
are Ministry due to release their
hardest album in years. They are also
planning to overthrow the government
- for real.
– We are doing shows in the
US all the way up to the election
where we're gonna try to register
as many young voters as possible.
Bush must be kicked out of office!
says Al Jourgensen.
You're young, this is your future,
man! Me, I'm old - 45 years - and
have lived through the Vietnam War.
But things have never been
as ugly as they are now. The country
is so divided and the Americans are
ready for civil war! Of course it
is dangerous to release an angry record
as "Houses of the Molé"
now, but it has to be done. Of course
the Bush administration will try to
stop us - that's how they work; through
fear, lies and deception.

Jourgensen ready to teach you a lesson?
drug addict to professor
Al Jourgensen can't be stopped. Especially
not since he quit using heroin a couple
of years ago. Now he is more active
than he has been in two decades -
and he has a plan.
– I was a heroin addict for
20 years and was asleep for like nine.
Now I know exactly what I want to
do: Two more Ministry albums, one
more Lard album and one more Revolting
Cocks album. Then I'm going to pick
up my career as a teacher again. I
have a master's degree in history,
so I am going to teach at a university,
maybe the University of Texas as a
But before that, Ministry are of course
going to tour. After the presidential
election this autumn, the new and
revised group is coming over to Europe
to kick some ass. When asked how many
guitars they are planning to use on
stage this time around, Al Jourgensen
says "seventy-two!" and
laughs a lot.
– But no, seriously, if you
are a fan and want to play with us
- bring your guitar and look us up
before the show. We did something
like this in the States and it was
great! Al Jourgensen tells the readers
of Release.
So, why don't you? Uncle Al wants
you! And yes, Uncle Al wants you to
listen to Revolting Cocks too. Guess
when the new album - with new member
Groovy Man from My Life with the Thrill
Kill Cult - is coming out? The fourth
of July - of course. |
Read our review of
Ministry's "Houses of the Molé"
More Ministry reviews in the On
Record archives.
Another Ministry Spotlight from 1999