Röyksopp: "Junior"
Röyksopp must have discovered a magic wand in some Norwegian cave because they have that special something that most electronica pop artists lack.
Tyske Ludder: "Anonymous"
Forget about futurepop and aggronoise - 2009 was a year with many good releases in the old school EBM tradition.
Rome: "Flowers from Exile"
Even though I don't fully embrace Rome's slow move from neofolk territory towards chanson noir, I still love them and the talent on display here is simply stunning.
Editors: "In This Light and on This Evening"
Editors' decision to travel to electronic domains was obviously a good one. One of many good UK albums in 2009.
Kent: "Röd"
And our beloved Swedish Kent successfully continued on the electronic trip they began on "Tillbaka till samtiden". By trying out new ground, they avoided repeating themselves too much.
Spark: "Ett lejon i dig"
This catchy bodypop puts a big smile on my face. Spark are still quite unknown, and the scene focuses on old stars rather than rising new ones.
Dupont: "Entering the Ice Age"
This Stockholm duo has not fully convinced me in the past but now they surprised me with a full-blown, mature album.
A-ha: "Foot of the Mountain"
A-ha finally return to their roots. A bit soft, but the melody craftsmanship is as good as it gets.
Peter Bjärgö: "A Wave of Bitterness"
Beautiful atmospheres and something of a tribute to Dead Can Dance circa "Within the Realm of a Dying Sun" - and that is not a bad thing in my book.
Urceus Exit: "Compensation for the Sound of Silence"
I want to give some attention to this unknown dark, laid back electronic act from Vancouver, and their latest album.
Editors: "Papillon"
I fell in love with this hit the moment I heard it.
Ladyhawke: "Magic"
Catchy and cool synthpop from New Zealand. An 80:s styled hit I can't seem to grow tired of.
Parralox: "Hotter"
Catchy and cool synthpop from Australia.
Röyksopp feat Robyn: "The Girl and the Robot"
It was great fun to play this song in a club in January 2009 well before its release (I got the promo the very same day).
Pet Shop Boys: "This Used to be the Future"
Phil Oakey and the "Boys" deliver a perfect synthpop song on the "Yes" bonus disc. So much better than many of the album tracks.
Pet Shop Boys
They played two kilometers from my home on my wife's birthday so of course I bought her a ticket. We were surprised that they could throw a show that fantastic.
Absolute Body Control
Why complicate things when you know what you're doing. I caught them at the great Amphi Festival.
The atmosphere in the old Wave Gotik Treffen hall was very special when I caught them live for the first time.
La Roux
Almost more 80:s than the 80:s. You're not dismissed anymore if you play synthpop and might even do well in the charts, like La Roux and Little Boots.
I have had great fun with their debut "Det finns bara krig" and I don't mind the Rammstein influences if it's this good. "Achtung Panzer"!
A kick in the somewhat boring EBM scene's butt. Why didn't anyone sound like this in the 80:s?
Pet Shop Boys
A constant quality flow in so many different areas. Respect.
Leæther Strip
Great live shows in Gothenburg and Cologne and I really respect the energy and positive attitude Claus Larsen brings to the scene. Enough whining already!
Takes neofolk out of its close circle of friends with fully developed songs and the will to do something more.

Pet Shop Boys: "Yes"
A vital return to form. As usual the best track has been hidden away on the limited bonus disc.
Arvid: "Andetag"
The best Swedish synthpop since Saft.
A-ha: "Foot of the Mountain"
Norway's finest went out with a big bang. Their best album since "Scoundrel Days".
Antilles: "Something New"
Super smooth italo disco, disguised as synthpop.
Kent: "Röd"
Still firmly electronic, still pushing the envelope.
Kirlian Camera: "Odyssey: Europa"
Uniquely strange and dark electronics from sunny Italy.
Marsheaux: "Lumineux Noir"
Ultra cool Greek female duo. Now they have the music to back their image.
Mobile Homes: "Today Is Your Lucky Day"
Risen from the grave to bring us newfound glory.
VNV Nation: "Of Power, Faith & Glory"
Truly uplifting to hear Ronan and Mark create something this strong after slacking off slightly for a few years.
Parralox: "State of Decay"
Australia's brand new synthpop darlings. They radiate professionalism and talent.
Sensitive: "Driving '83"
Insanely rare and glorious italo disco anthem, now released in its original 1983 version!
Kite: "I Give You the Morning"
A blueprint to how covers should be executed.
La Roux: "Bulletproof"
An electropop scorcher that blasted into the mainstream. Unexpected, but well deserved.
Mesh: "If We Stay Here"
Intense album opener proving once and for all that the Mesh legacy will not soon be forgotten.
Depeche Mode: "Ghost"
Once the initial disappointment with the new Depeche Mode album blew over, I discovered this gem on one of the bonus discs. They still have it, but sadly chose not to let it out.
Live artists
23rd Underpass
Greek electropop meets classic italo disco on a brilliant new 12" vinyl.
Julian Brandt
Building on the impressive Bobby heritage and with an even more eighties feel Brandt impresses wildly.
Pet Shop Boys
Still playful and eager after all these years.
The surprise of the year! They started and ended it with brilliant synthpop.

IAMX: "Kingdom of Welcome Addiction"
Not as fantastic as his previous efforts, but still a brilliant album, worthy of praise. More organic sounding, and perhaps less original, but hey, Chris still makes breathtaking songs.
Solar Fields: "Movements"
Moving on from the slick house/trance on his last album, Magnus Birgersson made "Movements" a return to full blown spacey ambient odysseys with slow, groovy rhythms. And apparently he still had time left to do the splendid soundtrack for "Mirror's Edge"!
Assemblage 23: "Compass"
I've counted Tom Shear out for a while, and I didn't think he would ever return. Gladly, I was mistaken. "Compass" is his best album in a very long time. Electropop, not futurepop.
Röyksopp: "Junior"
The Norwegians awe-inspiring and unique sounding album is possibly the one I've listened to most this year. Electronic pop perfection. Now give us "Senior" damnit!
Raubtier: "Det finns bara krig"
Sweden's Rammstein hit it out of the park with their hard hitting debut. Sung in Swedish, it actually made it a lot cooler, and the music was both aggressive and melodic.
Pet Shop Boys: "Yes"
It took a co-production with Xenomania to make it happen, but this album is a return to what the boys do best: 3-4 minute electropop songs with great hooks. But they hid the best track "This Used to be the Future" on the special edition!
Moderat: "Moderat"
The result of a merger between Apparat and Modeselektor, this album features some stunning soundscapes. Dark, trippy, moody, quirky, modern and rhythmic, this is something else.
Lily Allen: "It's Not Me, It's You"
Go on, hate me. I still think this is an excellent album, filled with modern, vibrant, electronic pop. And the lyrics are funny.
Kent: "Röd"
Each year Kent releases an album will be a year with a Kent album on my list. More electronic than ever, still fantastic song writing.
Sally Shapiro: "My Guilty Pleasure"
Sweden's own italo disco queen returns with a great album, filled with sunny little gems.
Röyksopp feat. Robyn: "The Girl and the Robot"
Energy, drama, precision, perfection. A simply stunning piece of pop history, a blend of hi-tech Norwegians and a soulful singer from Sweden. Song of the year.
Pet Shop Boys: "This Used to be the Future"
Cleverly hidden on the special edition bonus disc of "Yes", this track features Philip Oakey on guest vocals. It's also a blisteringly brilliant synthpop masterpiece.
Sally Shapiro: "Love in July"
As the title states, this track IS summer. Shimmering and bouncy, it's perfect for warm, lazy nights.
IAMX: "An I for an I"
The best track off the album, this is an emotion laden and intensely powerful song that just drills its way into your brain and won't let go.
Kite: "I Give You the Morning"
This unexpected cover has been one of my favourites ever since I heard it for the first time. Niklas Stenemo's voice and the neatly programmed synthesizers make this a sublime track.
Live artists
Great songs, great performance. Nuff said.
Pet Shop Boys
Beautiful stage show, the concert music produced by Stuart Price and Chris Lowe dancing. It was a very good night.
When Robyn entered the big Apollo stage at the Arvika Festival, I thought the tent would explode. The heat and energy was already immense, but now it reached simply staggering levels. Magnificent show, and definitely one to remember.
Tough northerners who love dogs. What can possibly go wrong?
Mommy Hurt My Head
Danish EBM band that goes back to the Leæther Strip sound of the early 90:s. And do it well.
Little Boots
Surprised a lot of people at the Arvika festival with the mix of hard beats and pop melodies.
The guys look cool, make fantastic music, attracts top vocal talent and parties on stage like there's no tomorrow. I want to be them.
Chris Corner is another artist that manages to capture the essence of artistry. Burn for your art and it will be great.
Pet Shop Boys
Truly a good year for the boys, with a Brit life time achievement award, a sold out tour and a great album under their belt. The "Christmas" EP was fantastic too. |
Empire of the Sun: "Walking on a Dream"
Stuck in my head like bees stick when they get too close to honey.
The Orb: "Baghdad Batteries"
Not quite classic - but classy Orb nonetheless, a blueprint for the future of The Orb.
Bat for Lashes: "Two Suns"
real talent, unpredictable, cool, and Björk esque without being imitation.
Moderat: "Moderat"
Music that deserves multiple plays. May not appeal to all, but it certainly does appeal to me.
Fever Ray: "Fever Ray"
Grew on me more and more as I listened to it. A deserving choice for end of year "Best of" honours.
Grizzly Bear: "Veckatimest"
Talent in abundance, and likely to make a name for themselves on a label of notable artists.
Client: "Command"
They get better and better each release. Another feather in the cap of these electro divas.
The Juan MacLean: "The Future Will Come"
A really subtle album, hard to pin down, but quietly magnificent.
Peaches: "I Feel Cream"
Deserves all the success she gets. I've been a fan a long time and can only think of her as the modern day female Iggy Pop.
Fever Ray: "If I Had a Heart"
Hauntingly good track from one of the most surprising artists of the year.
Lady Ga Ga: "Poker Face"
Sorry, it's pop - but it's great pop.
Dizzee Rascal: "Bonkers"
Sorry again. A song so crazy, so fun and so mischievous, I liked it despite myself!
Live Artists
Aphex Twin
Largely due to the alien-like dancer walking around spewing out noise. A triumph!
Bass Clef
A real discovery for the year. I hadn't heard anything about him before the Bloc fest, now I want to hear more.
How this man has grown. A really awesome live show, and a ferocious sound.
Bass Clef
Sometimes you see things that make you realize music is still moving on, and that it's still exciting. I saw Bass Clef.
Lady Ga Ga
I cannot deny a woman who has had such an impact she is influencing artists already in her debut year. The future Madonna.
Not just a return to form, but an extension. I used to be dubious, but now I can see this man is destined for greatness.
Aphex Twin
am still waiting for the time when my expectations will be disappointed by releases that are below par, and live sets that don't inspire. I realize now this time is unlikely to come.

Tobias Eliasson
Dupont: ”Entering the Ice Age”
I have listened to it almost every day since it arrived and is amazed by the quality, truth and feeling in all the tracks.
Arvid: “Andetag”
At last the album arrived and I wasn’t disappointed. This kind of synthpop hardly sees the light of day anymore.
Moderne: “Moderne + L’Espionne Aimait La Musique”
Finally! I have been waiting for a proper re-release for many years and in 2009 it arrived from the great label Minimal Wave.
Spark: “Ett lejon i dig”
The jägerbody stayed with me during the year and Spark provided the soundtrack. These guys can go far.
Marsheaux: “Lumineux Noir”
Their previous albums have been good but on this, their third, everything just went up a notch in quality. Urban electropop that sounds great.
Raubtier: ”Det finns bara krig”
I couldn’t help but enjoy these Rammstein-metalheads from the north of Sweden. And neither can you.
Tyske Ludder: ”Anonymous”
This is another band that displayed new qualities. This is strong, powerful and never boring. A great EBM album that kicks ass on the dance floor.
Kent: “Röd”
What can be said about Kent that hasn’t already been said? A new album with more electronic sounds than before, it should be great and of course; it is.
An excellent collection of old electronic music from Norway that gave me a whole new world to explore. Will we ever seize to find new gems from the past?
Filthy Dukes: ”Nonsense in the Dark”
Playful electro with hit feeling, definitely a group that you should look out for in the future.
Editors: “Papillon”
Who knew that the electronic hit from 2009 would come from this band? An electronic Joy Divison, simply stunning.
Moderat feat. Paul St. Hilaire: “Slow Match”
I feel in love with the slow Yello-esque beat immediately. Suggestive and dreamy.
Empire of the Sun: “We Are the People”
Disco meets electro meets Erasure meets Ladytron. Sort of.
Zeigeist: “Neverending Love”
Who would have thought that a Roxette cover would be the last thing that we heard from this band? It’s better to burn out than to fade away. Zeigeist, you will be missed.
Röyksopp feat. Robyn: “The Girl and the Robot”
The electronic beat from Norway meets the voice from Sweden and the result is amazing.
Live artists
You gotta love a band that gives so much on stage. They kicked off Electrixmas at an amazing speed and everything sort of slowed down after that.
Twice a Man
I’ve seen them many times before, but the new material sounds great and they really seem to enjoy life on stage more than ever. I’m really looking forward to the new album.
Leæther Strip
I finally got the chance to see Leæther Strip live and boy what a show it was. Two hours of intense EBM and I could hardly stand up afterwards.
They finally released their first album and managed to bring the sound from Lustans Lakejer and Reeperbahn to the future.
Julian Brandt
Very nice debut album filled with synthpop that should work fine even outside the alternative world.
The Girl and the Robot
A Swedish/German duo with Plastique from Welle:Erdball behind the microphone that sounds very promising. I’m looking forward to the first EP in 2010.
I really enjoyed the show at Way out West; they have grown enormously since I first saw them back in 2002. Electro for the masses that could fill stadiums if they continue like this.
Such a great album and a great performance on stage. They deserve to get really big and I believe the future is there for them.
Jean-Michel Jarre
Despite the amazing performance in 2008 he managed to amaze me this year as well. Still slightly laid-back, but with a great presence.