Sep 2016 01

Julian Brandt (Bobby, Lustans Lakejer) is known for his collaborations and 2016 is no different. [more...]

New album with EBM duo Leæther Strip set for December
Aug 2016 31

The new album from Danish EBM duo Leæther Strip is called “Spæctator” and is set for a release in December, on CD, vinyl and digitally. [more...]

Aug 2016 31

Sign up to the Release Magazine newsletter (if you haven’t already). Each week we summarize what has happened at You’ll find the sign up box on the front page, to the right just above the reviews box.

The Gary Numan film starts theatrical tour, new album awaits
Aug 2016 26

The modern day career challenges of UK based industrial and synthpop legend Gary Numan is the main plot in a new rockumentary. [more...]

Two weeks left to the Dark Romandie Fest in Geneva
Aug 2016 25

Geneva’s electro-industrial Dark Romandie Fest comprises of three days (9-11 September) with two nights of live music. The top billed live music acts are Dawn of Ashes (US) and Phosgore (DE), with BAK XIII (CH) and Freakangel (EE). [more...]

Time again for the biggest annual synth culture event in Scandinavia
Aug 2016 25

The annual 3-day synth music gathering – the biggest in Scandinavia – that is Electronic Summer kicks off today. Over a dozen DJ:s and just as many live acts will take to the stage at the fifth Electronic Summer, among them Das Ich, Grendel, Leæther Strip, Saft, Welle:Erdball and ex-Kraftwerk-er Wolfgang Flür. [more...]

Aug 2016 24

Listen to over two minutes of “Sound Mirrors” below, the first single from the new Covenant album “The Blinding Dark”. The release date is on Friday, August 26. [more...]

We have the first Electronic Winter and electriXmas bands
Aug 2016 23

We have the first live acts of two annual Swedish winter festivals for synthpop and EBM: Malmö’s electriXmas and Gothenburg’s Electronic Winter. [more...]

Exclusive Release Magazine premiere of a new Mesh album song – listen here
Aug 2016 22

A Release Magazine exclusive premiere: Listen to the new Mesh track “The Traps We Made” in full below. It’s taken from the new album “Looking Skyward”, to be released on Friday by Dependent Records. [more...]

Aug 2016 20

A short teaser video for an upcoming Erasure anthology called “From Moscow to Mars” was just released. This insane package is filled with cool stuff.


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