With the additions of The Neon Judgement, Das Ich and Pouppée Fabrikk, the line-up of Stockholm’s Bodyfest (October 26) is complete. Pankow, Spark and Container 90 are the previously booked bands.
Atari Teenage Riot are to record a new album, with songs being previewed from it during their European tour. [more...]
20th anniversary celebrations are set to start today at Sonar 2013 in Barcelona. Release has once again press access, so look out for a report and pictures to follow. [more...]
Today, Goldfrapp announced that their new album is called “Tales of Us”. After 2 years in the making, it is scheduled for September 9 (Europe) and 10 (USA).
After UK festival dates in July, a European tour will follow in the autumn.
Click here for an early stream of Austra’s new album “Olympia” (June 17, Domino). Peter Marchione is completing his Release review this week.
Below is a YouTube clip of the brand new Front Line Assembly track “Killing Grounds”, taken from the new album “Echogenetic”. We are working on an album review and like what we hear. The music is a mix of classic FLA and modern sounds. [more...]
Tom Shear from respected US futurepop project Assemblage 23 tells us he’s started a new side-project called Surveillance.
After the surprising album announcement a few days ago, Nine Inch Nails have now revealed their detailed future plans about the new album, single and tour.
Mesh has been on a roll this year, with the fantastic album “Automation Baby” which is already on my “Best of 2013” list. Coupled with a successful tour, it’s quite clear that Mesh is one of the biggest acts in the scene today. It was about time we caught up with them again, and so I called up Richard Silverthorn at his Bristol home and had a little chat.