Dec 2017 29

2017 has come to and end. It’s Release’s 31th year (!) and 2017 also marked the 20th anniversary of this web edition in English.

Release was founded by another team as a photo copied, Swedish fanzine in Umeå in 1986. The printed magazine went on to be one of the leading music magazines in Sweden. 1995-98 Release was on sale in close to 1 000 newsstands and stores in Scandinavia.

Hopefully we will have time to do something special for the next Release anniversary (our 35th?). We intend to stick around. Unfortunately, although our readership base is strong, it’s difficult to run a magazine these days. But with more support we could do more. Each ad, click and post count, so if you like what we do, please support us and help us spread the word. More interviews, a bigger staff and an upgraded site are first on our list.

We wish to thank all our readers, supporters and friends for your support 2017.

Happy New Year!

Mikael Kahrle

Dec 2017 29

Another Best of 2017 list, this time from Johan Carlsson. Wulfband, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Arcade Fire, Lizette Lizette, Front Line Assembly and Depeche Mode are some of his favorites.


Dec 2017 28

Even though Front 242 stopped releasing new music a long time ago, Daniel B. keeps himself busy with his projects NothingButNoise and Daniel B. Prothèse. [more...]

Dec 2017 28

London writer Mike Whyte lists his favorites from 2017. [more...]

Dec 2017 21

It’s that time of the year again. We’re ready to post the Release writers’ annual Best of the Year lists. First out is Fredrik “Schlatta” Wik from Malmö, Sweden. [more...]

Qntal expands their exploration of electronic and historic music – listen below
Dec 2017 20

Highly skilled German band Qntal, with their captivating fusion of electronic and historic music, returns on March 9 with “VIII – Nachtblume”. This week, they released the single “Music on the Waters”, where Lord Byron once again appears in the lyrics  (listen below). [more...]

Strings attached – Mesh talks about their classical concert and record
Dec 2017 20

Mesh is perhaps not a band you associate with classical music. But the electronic Bristol band played a very special concert with orchestra with 65 musicians at the Neues Gewandhaus in Leipzig and recorded it for posterity. The result is finally released: 30 minutes of live tracks together with three orchestral tracks that were recorded in the studio. We were intrigued about this whole project, so we got in touch with the band and asked them a couple of questions.  [more...]

Darkwave duo White Birches ready to release second album
Dec 2017 19

Swedish atmospheric darkwave duo White Birches (Jenny Gabrielsson Mare and Fredrik Jonasson) have completed their second album. [more...]

Dec 2017 19

Follow Release Magazine on Twitter (if you don’t already) and read magazine updates, news,  retweets and more.

Rome embracing neofolk roots live; new album in one month
Dec 2017 15

The new album from Rome, “Hall of Thatch”, will be released in one month, on January 19. [more...]

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