14 2005
awards to Slagsmålsklubben
• The
winners of Scandinavian
Alternative Music Awards 2004
were presented yesterday
at Trädgår'n in Gothenburg
(four and a half month
after the end of 2004).
All winners were Swedish.
Slagsmålsklubben surprisingly
grabbed two awards (song
and artist). The new
award for best Scandinavian
club/festival went to
the Arvika Festival.
Lowe was the best newcomer
of 2004 and Universal
Poplab made the best
album. /Mikael Kahrle
13 2005
Busy weekend
• Today,
Gothenburg hosts the Scandinavian
Alternative Music Awards as
well the sold-out premiere
of Kent's
new tour in Frihamnen,
close to Release.
We are of course going
visit SAMA (Mikael, Johan,
Niklas and Kristoffer)
and then Kent's second
Gothenburg show tomorrow
(Mikael, Johan and Kalle).
Meanwhile, in Leipzig,
it's time for the huge
Wave Gotik Treffen.
/Mikael Kahrle
from Goldfrapp in August
• Mute duo Goldfrapp return
with a new single and album
on August 8 and 24, respectively.
The single has been described
as “glam-noir” by
the label, and the album
as “sulky, sexual
and a bit ambiguous” by
singer Alison
herself. /Kristoffer Noheden
9 2005
Possible Kent club tour
this autumn

• On
Friday, Kent's
huge tent tour kicks off
in Gothenburg. When
we visited Kent's Psykbunkern studio
a few days ago,
Sirviö told Release about
early loose plans for
a possible Kent club
tour this autumn: around
20 gigs in total, in
locations with a maximum
capacity of 1 000 people
per venue.
– I’m
more nervous at a club gig,
because it’s so intimate
and close. The big stages
are more relaxed, actually,
Sami thinks.
Our Kent
Spotlight was published
today, where you, among many
things, can read about the
new single "Palace and Main",
a possible new EP (as mentioned
last week), and that the
debut album from Sapporo
'72 (Mobile
Homes side-project)
might be mixed in Kent's
We had to decline
a Kent interview earlier
this year, but now we had
the chance to talk to the
band after the new album
has been out for a while
and new future plans have
been made. /Mikael
Pitchfork: new
album this month

• May 30 will see
the latest work from Germany's
Pitchfork turned
loose on the general public. "Kaskade" (Candyland
is the title, featuring 15 tracks
by this veteran act. The
US release date via Metropolis
Records will be
July 12.
Release had
a listen to the lead single "The
Future Is Now" and
found this
new song very dark and
highly accessible.
In related news, the long
sought-after album by Pitchfork
mainman Peter
Spilles and his
Jansen entitled "Speedthingsslowwings" (originally
released in 1993) has
been made available once
more. /Peter Marks Sonar
update: Martin L Gore
tops the list
• For
those interested in attending
this year's Sonar festival
- here is something that
may turn that ticket into
a must-have item. Martin
L Gore, fresh from
recording the latest Depeche
Mode album,
will headline an already
exciting festival this
year. He will be hitting
the decks for what will
surely be a
memorable set, based on
his exceptional knowledge
of music.
Also, recent additions
to the list include: Luke
Vibert, Matt
Elliott, Professor
Angel Dust and a showcase
by the Finnish label Fonal.
Remember this is in addition
to the already announced
acts (see past news for
/Mike Whyte
6 2005
Cave tour plans

• Nick
Cave returns "home"
now in May as he tours
Australia and New Zeeland.
He and his Bad
Seeds will return to Europe in
August for festivals and
a one-off special UK date
in London on August 25.
Cave's box
"B-Sides & Rarities" is out now.
/Mikael Kahrle
DVD from Mr Jones Machine
• It's
now possible to pre-order
the upcoming DVD "Behind
the New Wave" from synthpop
trio Mr
Jones Machine.
The DVD offers live
and backstage video. Only
100 numbered, signed copies
will be available - the
band hopes "Behind the
New Wave" will become a
future collectors' item.
Although more an more people
discover this band's quality
retropop, their fanbase
is naturally quite small
at this early stage. /Mikael
3 2005
around the world 2005

• Finland's Nightwish have
added new dates to their
live schedule which
now holds a number
of concerts ranging
from May 26 to
October 10.
will play Hungary,
Spain, and Poland
now in May, followed
by Norway, Austria,
UK, Finland and Switzerland
in June. In July, they
plan to go to The Czech
Republic, Italy and
Germany and in
August: more German
and Finnish dates.
The will do a mini tour
of Sweden (where their
latest album "Once" sold
gold) in September. Nightwish
join the Live'n'Louder
Festival package in Mexico,
Chile and Brazil in October.
In March, Nightwish did
In further news, the
Nightwish beer is now
available (in Germany).
/Mikael Kahrle
1 2005
release from Portion
Control out now

• "Stansted",
the new EP from English
veterans Portion
Control is
now available via their web
site and is available
in the following formats:
CD, DVD and 7" vinyl
single. Their classic song "Chew
You to Bits" is re-worked and
three new tracks: "Blood
Rushed to Head", "Gate
57" and "The Way out" are
also included with the
first two being featured in
video form on the
DVD. In related
news, "Dissolve", the
previous EP has sold
out. /Peter Marks New album from The Church
• "Uninvited,
Like the Clouds" (Cooking
Vinyl) by The
Church will be released
in September. Tours
of the US, Europe and Australia
will also take place once
the album is out.
of the most prolific bands
to ever exist (20 albums
released at last count),
The Church were formed
in 1980 by Steve
Wilson-Piper, Peter
Koppes and Nick
Ward. They
are best known for their
one major hit in 1988, "Under
the Milky Way". Guitarist
Marty Wilson-Piper has
also been a member of All
About Eve and is currently
a member of and is on tour
with The
More news
as we get it. /Peter Marks